Reading between the Fine Lines

Anshul vyas
2 min readDec 21, 2019


Human beings are complex creatures behaviourally. Though there are certain lines defined by anthropologists through decades of research and study, which distinguish human beings from other animal species and give us a journey of our behavioral evolutions, within our species we have many other fine lines of behavioral distinction, which in ways can be attributed to the explanation of an individual’s personality.

Even if we don’t go into the psychological distinctions and depths of these fine lines, we can observe these in our everyday life, at very grass root levels. Assume these two simple affirmatives by an individual: “I can do it.” and “Only I can do it.”, are sufficient enough for us to analyze the existence of these fine lines. These two statements are indicative of fine lines between confidence and over-confidence of the individual. Retrospecting our everyday world we can find many such instances where these fine lines come out prominently and can leave us amazed about human behavior.

Source: Google

The above picture is one of the aptest pictures to demonstrate the existence of behavioral lines of difference. We are well versed with the two characters the Batman and the Joker, the most iconic Hero-Villian pair to ever exist. Both of them equally detrimental to bring around a wave of change, both of them ready to go to every extent to prove their point and what they stand for, yet just as the above picture depicts the existence of the fine lines between the two personas, there can be various fine lines drawn on various grounds between the two.

One more aspect the above conveys is how from the fine line of distinctions two different personas branch out and take full-fledged shape. Both of them started with a troubled childhood the only prominent difference being they both were on the opposite ends of the spectrum of privilege. While the Joker despite fighting hard, let depression in and succumbed to the chaos and became the agent to propagate it, Batman, on the other hand, didn’t let it overcome him, he fought hard to fight chaos with order and became the symbol of conquering the fears and angsts for the greater good.

This clearly explains how the two started with a fine line and then diverged into totally contrasting personas. The fine lines start becoming prominent on the choices taken by the individual each time when faced with conflicting situations. Isn’t it interesting how the combination of such fine lines can give rise to complex human behavioral aspects and astonishing personalities? Human behavior and psyche never fail to amaze you, and while one must learn to appreciate the different flavors it has to offer you, one must keep looking for the fine lines the flavors tend to offer.



Anshul vyas

Product Engineer @ GO-JEK Tech | History and Literature Enthusiast |IIITIAN | Nerd | Music Lover |