Handling Mutable Structs in SwiftStructs are very useful datatype in swift when it come to storing data models required by our apps. Having mutable data models often leads…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
The Poet’s Life Infusing InstrumentA week ago, on one fine weekend, chattering with my friends, sprang out the linesMay 31, 2020May 31, 2020
Reading between the Fine LinesHuman beings are complex creatures behaviourally. Though there are certain lines defined by anthropologists through decades of research…Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019
The Art of NarrativesStories have been an integral part of human evolution. Stories have served as a medium to pass down knowledge and ideas across generations…Oct 13, 2019Oct 13, 2019
IDOR attackIDOR stands for Insecure Direct Object Reference is a security vulnerability in which a user is able to access and make changes to data of…Oct 13, 2018Oct 13, 2018
Functional ProgrammingFunctional programming is a programming paradigm which models the computations as the evaluation of mathematical functions. It is a…Oct 11, 2018Oct 11, 2018
ACID propertiesA transaction is a single logical unit of work which accesses and possibly modifies the contents of a database. Transactions access data…Oct 9, 2018Oct 9, 2018
The Grand Hotel ParadoxInfinity is one of those concepts that we think we understand, but most (all?) of us can’t actually wrap our minds around. German…Oct 7, 2018Oct 7, 2018
Model View PresenterThe Model View Presenter (M.V.P.) is a design paradigm, which is architecturally the derivation of MVC pattern, is generally used for…Oct 7, 20181Oct 7, 20181
Genetic AlgorithmA genetic algorithm is a search heuristic that is inspired by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural evolution. This algorithm reflects the…Oct 7, 2018Oct 7, 2018
MVC PatternThe Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components: the model…Oct 3, 2018Oct 3, 2018
Android Run TimeART or Android Run Time is an application runtime environment used by the Android operating system. Replacing Dalvik, the process virtual…Oct 1, 2018Oct 1, 2018
Dalvik Virtual MachineA virtual machine is like a software implementation of a physical computer which works like a real physical computer. It means a virtual…Sep 26, 2018Sep 26, 2018
DNS: Internet’s Own PhonebookThe Domain Name System (DNS) is the way that internet domains names for e.g. “www.google.com” are located and translated into internet…Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
Imposter SyndromeImpostor syndrome, also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience is a psychological pattern in…Sep 21, 2018Sep 21, 2018
The Unix PhilosophyThe Unix philosophy, originated by Ken Thompson, is a set of cultural norms and philosophical approaches to minimalist, modular software…Sep 19, 2018Sep 19, 2018
Shell, Terminal and ConsoleShell is a user program provided for user interaction. Shell is a command language interpreter that gathers input from the user, executes…Sep 16, 2018Sep 16, 2018
Prepared Statements And SQL InjectionsSQL Injection (SQLi) refers to an injection attack wherein an attacker can execute malicious SQL statements (also commonly referred to as a…Sep 14, 2018Sep 14, 2018
Virtualization and Virtual Machines.Virtualization is the technology of running a virtual operating system inside of another operating system. The concept is to use a part of…Sep 10, 2018Sep 10, 2018
The Horse and The Rider“The Horse and The Rider” is a famous phycological analogy published in several forms by researchers over time. Using the metaphor of a…Sep 9, 2018Sep 9, 2018